Issue 6 – January 2020
Business Intelligence Bulletin
January 2020
Our quarterly Business Intelligence Bulletin brings you links to research studies, industry statistics, trends, policy development and other resources of interest to Ontario’s creative industries.
Program Announcements
In 2020, there will be three deadlines for the Business Intelligence Program. An updated guidelines document will also be provided in the coming weeks.
Events and Podcasts
Ontario Creates wrapped up this year’s Breakfast Panel sessions with an October 24th session in Ottawa on Labour Market Insights, and a November 22nd session in Toronto on Generation Z. The podcasts for both these sessions, as well as for all previous sessions, are available on our website.
Recently Updated Industry Profiles
Online Research Library
We have added 25 reports from all industry sectors to our . Online Research Library
Ontario Creates Releases

- Ontario Creates has released our Year in Review, giving the highlights of our 2018-19 fiscal year. This report demonstrates the results of our funding streams, and annual highlights for our creative industry sectors.
- Competition for young people’s attention has never been greater. Ontario Creates and VICE partnered for a first-of-its kind study examining ways to build affinity with Gen Z, with fresh insights on the ways 14-22 year olds discover, consume and share cultural content. research
- Ontario Creates has released the , a report which examines key business and creates roles within the sectors supported by our organization, establishes data on the gender breakdown of these roles in companies supported by Ontario Creates, and provides future recommendations on demographic data collection and analysis. Ontario Creates Baseline Gender Study
Creative Industries Policy and Funding
- The Liberal Party of Canada won the 2019 federal election on October 21st, forming a minority government. The party made a number of campaign promises of interest to the creative industries.
- The Government of Ontario released their fall economic statement, . 2019 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review: A Plan to Build Ontario Together
- In June 2019, Ontario Creates made a submission to the Government of Ontario’s . A copy of the submission has now been posted on our website. Consultation on Intellectual Property in the Post-Secondary Education Sector
Engagement Opportunities
- In Fall of 2019, the Ontario government held a process to determine a replacement for the agency responsible for the province’s film ratings system. The agency’s responsibilities have been taken on by the Ministry of Government and Consumer Services until the consultation process is complete. The government is reviewing feedback and considering longer term changes to the Act. Film Classification Modernization Consultation
- A Statistics Canada-led public consultation on the revision of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Canada will be open from November 2019 to the end of June 2020. For , please see the Statistics Canada website. more information on this revision
- The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) is launching a consultation as part of the CBC/Radio-Canada license renewal process, to make sure that produced content reflects Canada’s diversity and needs. This is available here, until February 13, 2020. CRTC consultation
Other News & Updates
The Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport has been renamed the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries.