Issue 7 – May 2020
Business Intelligence Bulletin
May 2020
Our quarterly Business Intelligence Bulletin brings you links to research studies, industry statistics, trends, policy development and other resources of interest to Ontario’s creative industries.
Ontario Creates’ Covid-19 Response Plan
Ontario Creates has released our detailed response to the ongoing COVID-19 situation on our website. This document is updated regularly, and outlines our commitments, as well as providing industry and health resources.
Through Innovation Canada, the federal government has created a for Canadian business owners to find COVID-19 support and other programs and services available to help their businesses. useful tool
Program Announcements
In 2020, there are two remaining deadlines for the Business Intelligence Program (BIP).
An updated guidelines document has been uploaded to the Ontario Creates website to reflect new deadlines and changes to the program.
In 2020/21, research relating to the Ontario music industry is now eligible for Business Intelligence Program funding.
2020/21 Business Intelligence Program Deadlines:
- August 4, 2020
- November 17, 2020
Events and Podcasts
Every year, Ontario Creates hosts a series of breakfast panels that bring together industry experts for cross-sectoral discussions on key issues that affect the cultural industries in Ontario. We will be hosting four breakfast panels in 2020. More information about panel format, topics and panelists coming soon.
Podcasts of our 2019 breakfast panels are available on our website, as well as for sessions from previous years.
Recent Reports Funded by Ontario Creates

Gen Z: The Culture of Content Consumption
Ontario Creates and VICE Media partnered for a first-of-its-kind research study examining ways to build affinity with Gen Z, with fresh insights on the ways 14-22 year olds, discover, consume and share cultural content.

Interactive Ontario Discoverability Report
This study developed by Interactive Ontario highlights tactics being used by Ontario IDM companies to ensure successful discoverability, as well as the challenges these companies face and recommendations for how some of these challenges can be solved.
Online Research Library
Ontario Creates has launched our new, redesigned . This refresh will provide significant improvement to user experience with interface and functionality redesigns, and will allow Ontario Creates to make the most of our user data to further improve our services. Online Research Library
We have also added 25 reports from all industry sectors to our Online Research Library.
Ontario Creates Releases
Ontario Creates has released our 2019 , showing strong improvements in the number of domestic projects from 2018, as well as increases in production dollars left in Ontario for both domestic and foreign projects. Film and Television production statistics
Creative Industries Policy and Funding
COVID-19 Federal Support Update
The Canadian government has pledged $500 million in funding to support Canada’s cultural and sporting sectors, in light of revenue losses due to the COVID-19 pandemic. More details are expected to be released soon.
Ontario’s Economic and Fiscal Update
The 2020 Ontario budget has been postponed until Fall as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. Instead of the provincial budget, the government has released the . The action plan provided an update on Ontario’s financial situation but primarily outlined relief measures totalling $17 billion in response to the crisis. These initiatives centre on “health” and “people and jobs” and include a projected $10 billion in support for individuals and businesses through tax deferrals and other initiatives. March 2020 Economic and Fiscal Update, Ontario’s Action Plan: Responding to COVID-19
Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review
On January 29 2020, the Broadcasting and Telecommunications Legislative Review Panel delivered a report on modernizing the legislation governing Canada’s communications sector entitled . The 97 recommendations focus on supporting the creation, production and discoverability of Canadian content; improving the rights of the digital consumer; and renewing institutional framework. The report has mostly been well received by industry stakeholders. Canada’s Communication Future: Time to Act
intellectual Property Panel
The Ontario government’s panel on intellectual property, which held a consultation in the summer of 2019, released a report entitled in February of 2020. The report prioritizes a ‘Made-in-Ontario’ approach to innovation, focusing on generating and commercializing intangible stock assets (i.e. copyright, contracts, domain names, patents, trademarks). Intellectual Property in Ontario’s Innovation Ecosystem as part of the consultation process for this report. Ontario Creates provided comments
Engagement opportunities
In mid-March, the Ontario government launched , feedback from which will help shape the Small Business Success Strategy. These consultations will focus on lowering costs, increasing exports, new technologies, talent development, succession planning and supporting entrepreneurship. The government will be holding roundtables across the province, and business owners are invited to fill out an consultations on small businesses by September 1, 2020. online survey
Other news and updates
The Ontario government has established a , who will provide expert advice to the Ministry of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries and the Ministry of Finance on how to grow the film and television industries in the province. A full list of Film and Television Advisory Panel can be found here. panel members