How many applications should be submitted to Ontario Creates and when do I apply to Ontario Creates?
Only 1 application per tax year can be filed, which must contain all products completed in that tax year. For example, for a July 31, 2015tax year end, an interactive digital media product completed on February 1, 2015 would be submitted in a 2015 tax year OIDMTC application, while a product completed on July 1, 2016 would be submitted in a 2016 tax year OIDMTC application.
Under section 93.1 qualifying digital game corporations can apply to Ontario Creates in the tax year that falls after the end of the 36 month period in which the applicant has incurred the minimum $1 million in eligible labour expenditures in respect of an eligible digital game.
Under section 93.2 specialized digital game corporations can apply to Ontario Creates at the end of the tax year in which the applicant has incurred - the minimum $1 million in eligible labour expenditures in respect of an eligible digital game or games.