Ontario Creates is seeking applications from writers and other members of literary community to be considered as jurors for the Trillium Book Award. Each jury is made up of three individuals. We are looking for jurors in the following categories:
- Trillium Book Award (English): Books of all genre types may be submitted – fiction, non-fiction, drama, and children’s books.
- Trillium Book Award for Poetry (English): Only a first, second or third collection of poetry by the poet may be submitted.
- Prix Trillium / Prix de poésie Trillium / Prix du livre d’enfant Trillium (French): For the Prix Trillium, books of all genre types may be submitted. For the Prix de poésie Trillium, only a first, second or third collections of poetry by the poet may be submitted. The Prix de poésie Trillium is awarded in alternate years to the Prix du livre d’enfant Trillium. One jury will review all of the French-language submissions.
- Enter into a Juror Agreement and a Confidentiality Agreement with the Ontario Creates.
- Read and assess all eligible submissions received for their category between November 2024 and March 2025.
- Attend one full-day Jury Meeting with other jurors to jointly review the submissions, select a shortlist and winning title. This meeting will be convened virtually.
- Provide citations for the shortlisted titles.
The time commitment is dependent of the number and quality of submissions received in each category. Jurors will review the submissions between November 2024 and March 2025. Decisions should be made by April 2025. Jurors will receive an honorarium based on the volume of submissions received and the review time required.
- Feel qualified to adjudicate literary merit.
- Maintain in strict confidence your role as Juror until after the adjudication process.
- Maintain in strict confidence all Confidential Information and take reasonable precautions against accidental disclosure of same.
- Not directly or indirectly use the Confidential Information for any purpose, except in the performance of your duties for Ontario Creates. Indicate if you are associated in any way with any author or publisher that is eligible to submit to the Trillium Book Awards in 2024 and, at the review stage, declare any conflicts of interest that may arise.
“Confidential Information” means all information (whether oral, written, in computer readable format or otherwise), data and material acquired by the juror from Ontario Creates or in connection with the performance of their duties for Ontario Creates.
- Juror names will be released when the winners are announced in June 2025.
- Please see appendix below the application form for a link to information on the Trillium Book Awards.
Ontario Creates strives to compose juries that reflect diversity in Ontario as described in the Government of Ontario’s definition of diversity and/or gender parity. The provincial definition states: the dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to: ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religion (creed), sex, sexual orientation and socio-economic status.
Ontario Creates is grateful for your interest in participating in this important process. It is anticipated that a substantial number individuals will respond to the Call for Applications. In light of this, only those invited to be a juror for the Trillium Book Award will be contacted. Ontario Creates maintains an active list of potential jurors.
Please direct any enquiries to:
Bianca Spence
Program Consultant, Industry Development
Phone: 416-642-6698
Information about the Trillium Book Award