I just received an email notification regarding a new request for one of my applications on the Portal. How do view and respond to it?
Online Application Portal
Follow these steps to view and respond to requests (action items) on the Portal:
- Logon to the portal (https://apply.ontariocreates.ca)
- Requests (action items) can be viewed in one of two ways:
- From your dashboard: scroll down to see your list of Action Items. Click View All at the bottom right of that table to see your full list of Action Items. Select the date in the first column to access the request.
- From the application: navigate to the APPLICATIONS tab, find and click into the application to view all action items related to that application. Click on the date in the first column of the action items table to view/respond to the request.
- Once you’re in the request, you’ll find that it may or may not contain one or more request details (tasks). If an action item has multiple request details, each request detail must be addressed separately (step 4). Otherwise, simply respond to the request via the ‘Reply’ text editor and upload any documents requested by Ontario Creates and click ‘Submit’.
- If the Request has multiple tasks, respond to each task by follow these steps:
- a. Use the ‘Reply’ text editor to enter any further information, or to provide the information that was requested of you. This ‘Reply’ field is mandatory and you must type a note in order to submit your response.
- b. Use the upload control underneath the text editor to attach documents. If you need to upload multiple documents, click the ‘Add another document’ button to open up another upload control. Please note that you MUST specify in the ‘Replace File’ field whether the document you are uploading is a replacement of a file that has already been submitted for that document item or whether there is ‘No File to Replace’. Be sure to select an option as you will not be able to submit your response unless you have done so.
- c. When you have completed your response to the task, click ‘Submit’. Repeat steps a – c until all tasks within the request have been addressed.