Do the excluded genre categories under Section 27.1(3)(j) also apply to “alternative means” productions?
Exhibition via Alternative Means:
Yes. The excluded genre categories in section 27.1(3)(j) apply to all OFTTC productions regardless of whether they are made for commercial exploitation by theatrical distribution, television broadcast, or alternative means. OFTTC-eligible productions must not be:
- News, current events or public affairs programming, or a programme that includes weather or market reports,
- A talk show,
- A production in respect of a game, questionnaire, or contest (other than a production directed primarily at minors),
- A sports event or activity,
- A gala presentation or an awards show,
- A production that solicits funds,
- Reality television,
- Pornography,
- Advertising,
- A production produced primarily for industrial, corporate or institutional purposes, or
- A production, other than a documentary, all or substantially all of which consists of stock footage
In addition to these general OFTTC genre exclusions, productions made for commercial exploitation by alternative means are also subject to additional excluded genre categories. These are outlined in section 27.1(3)(k) and include:
- An instructional production, including instructional videos or tutorials related to cooking, crafting, renovating, beauty, fitness, parenting, careers or finance,
- A review or a commentary, opinion or advice video,
- Educational content related to a curriculum or course of study, other than a production directed primarily at children under the age of 12,
- A vlog, travelogue, video journal or diary, home movie or a production that primarily consists of recreational content,
- A music video,
- A production in respect of esports, gaming or gambling,
- A prank video,
- A speech, sermon, presentation or discourse,
- Coverage of a conference, gathering, ceremony or event,
- A production that primarily consists of content from another film or television production or an interactive digital media production previously released to the public, or
- A production all or substantially all of which consists of user-generated footage.