Film in Ontario Helping your Bottom Line
The Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada offer stable tax credits and wrap-around funds that make production investment in the province globally competitive. Here’s a quick look at what makes us so competitive.

Tax Credits Overview
- Stable, competitive and easy to process
- Refundable
- No sunset expiry date
- No annual cap on the money you can claim or receive
How Provincial & Federal Tax Credits Work Together
Ontario and Canada have harmonized credits. Please see below for how the provincial and federal credits work together.
Ontario Production Services Tax Credit (OPSTC)
Ontario Film and Television Tax Credit (OFTTC)
Ontario Computer Animation and Special Effects Tax Credit (OCASE)
A refundable credit for 16% of qualified Canadian labour expenditures. PSTC is eligible for accredited productions for qualified labour expenditures paid to Canadian residents or taxable Canadian corporations for services rendered in Canada, minus assistance provided through the provincial tax incentives program. Film or video production or series must meet a prescribed cost minimum and be an eligible genre.

A refundable credit for 16% of qualified Canadian labour expenditures. PSTC is eligible for accredited productions for qualified labour expenditures paid to Canadian residents or taxable Canadian corporations for services rendered in Canada, minus assistance provided through the provincial tax incentives program. Film or video production or series must meet a prescribed cost minimum and be an eligible genre.
The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC) is a refundable corporate tax credit calculated at 25% of qualified Canadian labour expenditures for businesses that produce Canadian content. The CPTC is available only to a taxable Canadian production company that is a qualified corporation with a permanent establishment in Canada. The production company must own the copyright of the production (unless it is a treaty coproduction), and not fall under an ineligible genre. The producer must be Canadian and the production must be allotted at least 6/10 Canadian content points unless it is a treaty-coproduction.

The Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC) is a refundable corporate tax credit calculated at 25% of qualified Canadian labour expenditures for businesses that produce Canadian content. The CPTC is available only to a taxable Canadian production company that is a qualified corporation with a permanent establishment in Canada. The production company must own the copyright of the production (unless it is a treaty coproduction), and not fall under an ineligible genre. The producer must be Canadian and the production must be allotted at least 6/10 Canadian content points unless it is a treaty-coproduction.
Ontario Film Fund
The Ontario Creates Film Fund is intended to increase the level of domestic feature film production in Ontario. It provides support for development and production financing for Ontario-based companies; available only to eligible domestic producers and treaty coproductions. Ontario Creates measures the results of the Ontario Creates Film Fund primarily based on net benefit from the proposed project to the province, which includes but is not limited to return on investment and jobs created.

The Ontario Creates Film Fund is intended to increase the level of domestic feature film production in Ontario. It provides support for development and production financing for Ontario-based companies; available only to eligible domestic producers and treaty coproductions. Ontario Creates measures the results of the Ontario Creates Film Fund primarily based on net benefit from the proposed project to the province, which includes but is not limited to return on investment and jobs created.
Ontario Interactive - Digital Media Fund
The IDM Fund is aimed at strengthening and stimulating economic growth in the interactive digital media sector. Funding is available for concept definition and production, with a maximum of $300,000 for production. Funds are available to companies that are Ontario-based and Canadian-owned and controlled. While foreign studios cannot apply directly, they can benefit from participation in projects that receive funding when working with eligible Canadian companies.
Interactive Digital Media Fund

The IDM Fund is aimed at strengthening and stimulating economic growth in the interactive digital media sector. Funding is available for concept definition and production, with a maximum of $300,000 for production. Funds are available to companies that are Ontario-based and Canadian-owned and controlled. While foreign studios cannot apply directly, they can benefit from participation in projects that receive funding when working with eligible Canadian companies.
Interactive Digital Media Fund
NOHFC’s Film and Television Stream is designed to increase film and television industry jobs and investment and to support quality, original film and television productions in Northern Ontario. Funding is based on the project’s total level of spending in the region.
NOHFC assistance is a conditional contribution up to 50% of eligible costs. The maximum cap is calculated on a tiered basis according to the total northern spend. The production company must be a Canadian corporation, which is Canadian controlled.
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund

NOHFC’s Film and Television Stream is designed to increase film and television industry jobs and investment and to support quality, original film and television productions in Northern Ontario. Funding is based on the project’s total level of spending in the region.
NOHFC assistance is a conditional contribution up to 50% of eligible costs. The maximum cap is calculated on a tiered basis according to the total northern spend. The production company must be a Canadian corporation, which is Canadian controlled.
Northern Ontario Heritage Fund
- Tax Credits & Financing Programs
- 175 Bloor Street East
- South Tower Suite 501
- Toronto ON M4W 3R8
- 416-642-6659