The Ontario Locations Library is one of the most comprehensive film location listings worldwide and includes more than 8,000 locations from regions across the province.

Our Services
Welcome to Ontario's Locations Library. Our team of production and locations experts are here to assist with your locations needs.

The Locations Library is one of the most comprehensive film location listings worldwide and includes more than 8,000 locations from regions across the province.
All 275,000 location images are meta tagged, and the listings are GPS enabled, making it easy for scouts to search listings with a high degree of specificity.
Location Scouts and Location Managers are welcome to register for access to a broader list of locations and image package building capabilities.
CLICK HERE to to apply for locations professional access
CLICK HERE to login to your account
The Ontario Locations Library accepts listing submissions from property owners interested in making their locations available for filming. There is no cost associated with being listed and our Locations Library team is always available for assistance via locations@ontariocreates.ca.
Complimentary scouting services can be accessed for productions that are considering Ontario. Working with knowledgeable scouts, our team will assemble image packages, arrange site visits and facilitate scouting tailored to your project’s location needs.
Visit our Production Consultation Form for assistance.
Ontario Green Screen (OGS) makes it easy to access electrical tie-ins through an online map. The province has over 90 locations mapped across Ontario.
Ontario Lookbook
Get in Touch with the Ontario Film Commission
Ready to get started in Ontario, have a question, or need assistance? Let us know how we can help and we’ll be in touch shortly.